Review for Super Mario Bros Z Ep. 7
Well, Mr. Alvin. You certainly did take your sweet time making this. 16 months? That's pretty crazy. Anyway, I'm going to give you the pros and cons about this Flash. From what I remember as best as I can.
-Seeing part of this Flash on Youtube did sadly detract from the overall feeling for maybe... half the Flash before the better taste of new content re-imerged from my mouth.
-Spacebar pressing turned annoying at a moderate pace....since this Flash took like 30+ minutes or so for me to watch it took it's toll. I realize having it auto-scroll is also a pain for people that don't read fast (me) and is probably the better choice but still in the realm of "Ouch"
-Some of the humor I felt wasn't needed in the Flash because it was a bad choice such as the beginning of the Flash where Kamek uses the Yosemite Sam voice clip" Rackum sackum etc" --- This however was minor and not the biggest of deals although it felt less like Mario Bros Z as it was pulling jokes from too far in the realm of everything that exists. Minor though again.
- I would have definitely left out the voice acting and bleeping from the Goomba & Koopa. It really detracted from the feel and flavor of the Flash.
-The big nasty one was when you did the OVER 9000 joke again. As the Goomba was only setting it up when she pulled out her book...I was shaking my head....shook my head further as it happened since it was used twice in your series...then when you drew further attention saying that it was used twice was like putting lemon juice on a freshly made sore. Could have done without that one, Mr. Earthworm.
-Since this flash is many months of what people would call "over-due" I felt the feeling of the 7th installment really wither down and my emotions didn't welcome it as warmly as if it were only a couple months prior to SMB6. (I did do a double-take when I saw this title and your name as author of the Flash...actually in realism I probably had to check 4 times...I'm not exagerating)
-I wasn't thrilled with how the characters left Minus World. I thought it was waaaaay too random and it seemed like you got lazy on that part and went with anything.
- I feel the length of this flick was a good one. After not being with an episode of SMBZ for so long I would hate a lengthy episode that was a more normal medium sized. It just wouldn't feel right. I think this episode is a good length to stop at for the next installment.
-You used a lot of 3D view stuff in here that you nailed very well. Nice work turning 2D backgrounds into 3D ones.
-Humor was interjected really well. When there was too much yapping you added SOMETHING at the right moment to break it up and shove some emotion back into us.
-Fight scenes great albeit slightly below your average fight scenes of the past but still very great.
- I thought the Minus world idea was TOTALLY out of left field and not something I predicted at all. Which is great! I totally enjoyed the also very unexpected FIGHT SCENE in 2D with those custom sprites. I didn't think you'd have enough of them to pull it off. VERY NICE.
- I also LOVED how you used some Smash Brothers Brawl references in this one. Warios gaseous problems and Sonics air down-tilt attack on Mecha Sonic from what I took notice in. Also the sounds from Brawl I think were partly used in this?
- Very creative uses of the sprites you were given. I've tried making sprite movies and gave up due to lack of sprites for things I wanted. You worked your way around that very good.
I really can't remember everything off hand...I'd have to watch it again and I"m also running out of characters here. Overall Mr. Earthworm you did a pretty dandy job. I like the way this Flash reached 700 views before released from the portal LOL...