I understand you're trying to learn and that's cool and I respect you for that. The instruments you used were a little on the "annoying" side. The sound they make is just generally annoying and it's not so much your fault as it is the isntruments being annoying. I would try using different sounds that sound maybe a bit more natural to start off with before moving onto the more synthesized sounds.
Maybe, there's Dummies books on how to make music...although making music is an art and none of it is actually bad in the real world. To person to person it may be good or bad. I could bring you the best rap song in the world but if you're only into country you'd give it a zero etc etc so you can't rely on people to decide how good it is, right?
So the only things I can give you is...try to enjoy the things you make weather people like it or not...weird and maybe hard but I'd try to. Second...I would try using a different program to make music that might give you more of a variety of regular sounding sounds closer to the originals. You'll get better. Just keep submitting songs and in your author comment ask people specifically to tell you what they LIKED and also what they DISLIKED to get them pointed in the right direction in their reviews. Anyway, best of luck